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Motivos para visitar japon

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Motivos para visitar japon  Empty Motivos para visitar japon

Mensaje  Chris Sáb Dic 31 2011, 01:25

Estos enlaces los he levantado de un foro britanico pero hay que compartir.
These guys used to be in Akihabara, but moved out - way out, a few years ago. Basically, this is where ALL the Garrards went :-)
Another place that's out in Kanagawa boonies. Slightly more catholic taste than Jupiter (which, it has to be said, is borderline Garrard OCD :-))
Yet another place in Kanagawa, this time in Yokohama.
At Sound-pit in Nagoya you can enjoy a rich, tasty espresso coffee and also buy the vintage speakers.
The creatively named Vintage Audio vintage audio shop in far-off Okayama (famous for its Korakuen garden, black castle, Kurashiki district and Bizen ware pottery)
Back to Kanagawa, and Utopia. Best known for their nouveau retro cabinets, but also responsible for a line of Lowther-based speaker systems.
Roots Sound in Kobe. New and old audio all jumbled together in one of the best cities in Japan.
The awesome GT Sound out in Chiba. I really should go. Excellent seafood there, too.


Cantidad de envíos : 2227
Localización : Tenerife
Fecha de inscripción : 08/05/2009

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Motivos para visitar japon  Empty Re: Motivos para visitar japon

Mensaje  formatier Sáb Dic 31 2011, 14:13

definitivamente, sospechas confirmadas. me declarao japones reencarnado en un cuerpo occidental roll1


Cantidad de envíos : 148
Localización : barna
Fecha de inscripción : 05/11/2010

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