Taga Harmony Hifi Pig
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Taga Harmony Hifi Pig
Buenas noches,
Nos informan de Taga Harmony que el sistema "HTA-700B SE v2 + Platinum B-40 + Platinum-18" ha sido recomendado por la revista especializada "Hi-Fi Pig".
The word to best describe the sound was “balanced” in that treble and bass were in equilibrium, midband was clean and clear, so it was no effort at all just to sit back and enjoy what I was hearing while the system was warming up…
For such a small unit, the HTA-700B V2 amplifier produced a bouncy gutsy sound via CD input and I don’t recall it running out of steam, with the Platinum B-40 speakers and with others too that I tried, including my resident speakers….
Kick drum was portrayed with good weight and solidity, a good deal better than other “budget” speakers I have listened to and the drummer’s rim shots were almost life-like too. Fink’s voice has a nasal quality to it with a slight rasp and the Platinum B-40’s did a pretty good job of that task too.
As a contrast to that, I followed on with some electronic music in the shape of Tripswitch’s excellent album “Geometry”. There is some superb layering in this album and it takes a sure footed pair of speakers to unfold and pull back all the layers so each strand is separated out and clearly defined in every respect. The bass lines really are deep on this album, rather subtle in places too and can easily be muddled by the music around it. The Platinum B-40’s didn’t quite have full command and control of this album as my resident speakers are able, especially around the bass which wasn’t as deep and tended to collide with other instruments, so once or twice got recessed into the rest of the music. For a £1,500+ speaker that would be a slight criticism, for a £320.00 speaker that should be taken as a compliment.
The TAGA Harmony HTA – 700B V2 amplifier is a great little amplifier in its own right. It has enough features to make it flexible with regards to connections, it sounds extremely good too, more powerful than the specifications suggest and the small footprint means you can house it wherever you like so it remains unobtrusive. This little amplifier has a lot going for it…
The Platinum B-40 speakers belie their modest cost and are very able performers…
Well worth seeking out for audition.
Nos informan de Taga Harmony que el sistema "HTA-700B SE v2 + Platinum B-40 + Platinum-18" ha sido recomendado por la revista especializada "Hi-Fi Pig".
The word to best describe the sound was “balanced” in that treble and bass were in equilibrium, midband was clean and clear, so it was no effort at all just to sit back and enjoy what I was hearing while the system was warming up…
For such a small unit, the HTA-700B V2 amplifier produced a bouncy gutsy sound via CD input and I don’t recall it running out of steam, with the Platinum B-40 speakers and with others too that I tried, including my resident speakers….
Kick drum was portrayed with good weight and solidity, a good deal better than other “budget” speakers I have listened to and the drummer’s rim shots were almost life-like too. Fink’s voice has a nasal quality to it with a slight rasp and the Platinum B-40’s did a pretty good job of that task too.
As a contrast to that, I followed on with some electronic music in the shape of Tripswitch’s excellent album “Geometry”. There is some superb layering in this album and it takes a sure footed pair of speakers to unfold and pull back all the layers so each strand is separated out and clearly defined in every respect. The bass lines really are deep on this album, rather subtle in places too and can easily be muddled by the music around it. The Platinum B-40’s didn’t quite have full command and control of this album as my resident speakers are able, especially around the bass which wasn’t as deep and tended to collide with other instruments, so once or twice got recessed into the rest of the music. For a £1,500+ speaker that would be a slight criticism, for a £320.00 speaker that should be taken as a compliment.
The TAGA Harmony HTA – 700B V2 amplifier is a great little amplifier in its own right. It has enough features to make it flexible with regards to connections, it sounds extremely good too, more powerful than the specifications suggest and the small footprint means you can house it wherever you like so it remains unobtrusive. This little amplifier has a lot going for it…
The Platinum B-40 speakers belie their modest cost and are very able performers…
Well worth seeking out for audition.
PICKUPSOUND- Cantidad de envíos : 970
Edad : 20
Localización : Jerez (Cádiz)
Fecha de inscripción : 20/12/2008
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