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DSD64 vs DSD256

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DSD64 vs DSD256 Empty DSD64 vs DSD256

Mensaje  juanca Dom 19 Abr 2015 - 11:29

A los que os gusta comparar diferentes tipos de archivos, no se si habéis visto en nativeDSD la posibilidad gratuita de descargar la misma grabación realizada simultáneamente en DSD64 y DSD256:

"The experts at Native are giving you a unique opportunity to compare a brand new
performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by the Budapest Festival Orchestra under the
direction of Ivan Fischer. The session was recorded at two different Direct Stream Digital (DSD) bit
rates – Single Rate DSD (DSD 64fs) and Quad Rate DSD (DSD 256fs) using two of the industry’s
best Analog to Digital Converters – the Grimm Audio AD1 (at DSD 64fs) and the Merging
Technologies Horus (at DSD 256fs) from a dedicated recording session in Budapest."

Cantidad de envíos : 119
Localización : Madrid
Fecha de inscripción : 13/06/2014

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