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Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo

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Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo Empty Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo

Mensaje  abcsonido Mar 4 Feb 2014 - 18:10

Amplificador AMPINO
Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo Yfgm

"What a discovery!"
Srajan Ebaen, 6moons

"The Ampino will transport you to where you can sit back and listen for hours to
music rather than an audio system." Steve Kozle, Stereomojo

"The Ampino is an extremely solid performer that does punch above its weight.
With loudspeaker matchmaking done right, it excels with speed and downright ebullience,
providing a richer, fruitier alternative to the more established players in the budget integrated field."
John Darko, Digital Audio Review

Última edición por abcsonido el Mar 4 Feb 2014 - 18:14, editado 1 vez


Cantidad de envíos : 521
Localización : Valladolid
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2013

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Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo Empty Re: Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo

Mensaje  abcsonido Mar 4 Feb 2014 - 18:13

Altavoces TIZO

Bel Audio, Promoción DAYENS: amplificador AMPINO + altavoces Tizo 8uzb

"Tizo is outfitted with quality components quite a few cuts above the expected...As a small speaker run solo, Tizo arrives with all the usual small print of the breed. Where it goes a bit beyond being just one in a thousand is parts quality. Run with quality ancillaries above Tizo's apparent station, those bespoke parts do show their mettle...Then it's very impressive for what it costs...the Tizo is simply a sterling desk-top monitor that sounds more like a sealed than vented alignment - quite on time, well sorted, somewhat dry but accurate and surprisingly transparent."
Srajan Ebaen, 6moons

"the Dayens Tizo do bass. Nothing epic, but taut, fast, punchy, jaunty and deep. And controlled. But mainly jaunty. Bass presence was also confirmed to exist at lower volumes, which is a rare quality for a standmount speaker....Their ability to create soundstage depth in front of the speaker plain was up there with single-driver models. If subjected to a blind test, I'd swear I was listening to a pair of something considerably more expensive than the ticket price...These Dayens standmounts politey-but-firmly command the listener's attention. I defy you to successfully do anything else whilst the Tizos are playing...The Dayens Tizo will be most appreciated by those for whom the enjoyment of music takes precedence over pinpoint accuracy."
John Darko, DigitalAudioReview


Cantidad de envíos : 521
Localización : Valladolid
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2013

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