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MundoAudio Zaragoza

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Mar Sep 30, 2014 6:50 pm

Material disponible Sennheiser:

Sennheiser MOMENTUM On-Ear  ............. PVP. 89€
ultimas unidades


Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 6:58 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Miér Oct 01, 2014 5:08 pm

De nuevo disponemos de unidades DarBee

Darbee Darblet™ DVP 5000 DarbeeVision DARBEE Visual Presence™
Darbee Darblet DVP 5000
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Darbee-darblet-dvp-5000-darbeevision-darbee-visual-presence

Posiblemente el nuevo Darbee™ DVP-5100CIE Custom Installer Edition estará disponible a finales de año (todo hace pensar esto). Ya se pueden reservar unidades.
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Darbee-dvp-5100cie



Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Oct 05, 2014 9:27 pm

Furman AC-210 A E Demo 210€ (envío incluido Península)
AC-210 A E

Furman AC-210 A E  280€ (envío incluido Península)
AC-210 A E
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 AC-210AE-front_page

Ideal para pequeñas instalaciones de audio y video. Regleta de 3 tomas incluida.

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 AC-210AE-detail


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty The Little Black Box v.2

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Oct 19, 2014 1:28 pm

Nuevo centro de entretenimiento versátil para audio, vídeo y multimedia. Tamaño reducido para encajar en cualquier lugar ... Full HD 1080p, equipado con wifi y toma de red además de 2 puertos USB y lector de microSD.

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 The-little-black-box-v2

The Little Black Box V2:
Video: ISO (DVD (con menús) y BD), Full BD, MKV, etc ...
Audio: ademas de las múltiples opciones de radio por Internet reproduce las extensiones más comunes.


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Oct 26, 2014 8:43 pm



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Jue Nov 17, 2016 5:16 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty OFERTAS

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Nov 09, 2014 1:51 pm

Consultar Ofertas en Onkyo JAMO y Klipsch


Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 7:00 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty OPPO Vinculum

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Nov 16, 2014 9:32 pm

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 2h537ut
OPPO Vinculum Presentación

HI-FI HIGH-END, CINEMA A LA MAISON. Parce qu'il y a une vie après le travail !
Ce Blog est un espace destiné à vous faire partager le quotidien de Voir & Emouvoir au travers d'écoutes, de rencontres, de mes chantiers d'intégration Hi-fi et Home cinéma…
mardi 11 novembre 2014
Réservez votre billet ! Places limitées
Pour tous les passionnés d'images nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Miguel Gonzàlez, célèbre pour ses modifications de lecteurs Oppo. Sa Marque VINCULUM défraye régulièrement la chronique tant par ses performances d'image que sonores.
L'expérience au service du tweakage
VINCULUM modifie les lecteurs Oppo depuis plusieurs générations. Aujourd'hui les 103D et 105D n'ont plus rien à voir avec les lecteurs d’origine.  Comme tous ceux qui font des modifs, VINCULUM reste peu bavare sur la nature précise des modifications apportées. Chose facile à comprendre.
pour cet après midi, il apportera deux modèles de sa gamme : 105D Special Edition et 103 Special Edition
Une après midi qui s'annonce très conviviale
Souvent évoqué sur les forums,  Miguel Gonzales sera en France et dans l'auditorium pour présenter son dernier lecteur et répondre à toutes vos questions. Ce sera surtout l'occasion de vosu faire un avis précis sur le gain procuré par ses modifications. Mon 103 de base servira d'étalon.
Les Vinculum CINEPHILE seront associés à un projecteur JVC X500 et alimenteront un écran Cinémascope de 4m de base.
les séances de projection se dérouleront de 14h à 18h.
Notre capacité d'accueil étant limitée, nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et de vous inscrire au préalable.
Inscription au préalable par mail :
ou par téléphone au 06 76 87 14 64
Presentacion OPPO Vinculum
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Vinculum-cinephile
MundoAudio OPPO Vinculum

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Venta de equipos

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Sáb Dic 13, 2014 10:09 pm



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Miér Dic 31, 2014 2:26 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Ofertas Fin de AÑO

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Sáb Dic 27, 2014 12:21 pm

Ofertas y últimas unidades y Demo:

NAD D 3020 Amplificador Digital Hybrid (Demo)

una unidad

una unidad

Últimas unidades Dune HD:
Dune HD Smart D1



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 7:02 pm, editado 4 veces

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Miér Dic 31, 2014 2:29 pm


Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Ene 20, 2015 4:45 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Dune HD Base 3D

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Lun Ene 05, 2015 11:38 am




Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 7:02 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Open Hour Chameleon 4K

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Jue Ene 15, 2015 6:59 pm

Disponible las primeras unidades de este reproductor MultiMedia 4K:
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Open-hour-chameleon-4k
Opción WiFi y Bluettoth
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Wifi-y-bluetooth-usb-stick-para-open-hour-chameleon-4k
Opción mando a distancia
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Air-mouse-con-voice-para-open-hour
Please refer to our WiKi Chameleon 4K page if you require additional assistance.
Technical Specification
Hardware Specifications
Rockchip RK3288 Cortex-A17 Quad Core
Embedded Mali-T764 3D GPU
OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 and OpenCL 1.1
4Kx2K(3840X2160 Resolution) output
2GB DDR3, NAND Flash 8GB SD Card (Bootable with Android 4.4.2 from Rockchip), user expandable up to 32GB with custom OS in future
HDMI, S/PDIF, Coaxial
3x USB 2.0 Host, Infra-Red Extender Port, MicroSD(TF) Card reader, 1 x USB OTG
Ethernet: 10/100/1000 Mbps
*Wireless: USB Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n 2T2R 300Mbps with Bluetooth 4.0 (MT7632U chipset)
*optional accessories
5V DC, 2A Max
Aluminum Passive Cooling Casing

Package Contents
1 x Open Hour - Chameleon
1 x Remote Control
2 x AAA Battery
1 x High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet
1 x AC Power Adapter
1 x Quick Start Guide
1 x Warranty Card
1 x FREE 8GB SD Card preloaded with Android 4.4.2



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Miér Feb 11, 2015 6:38 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Mar Ene 20, 2015 5:39 pm

borrado ...

Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Feb 24, 2015 4:28 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty MultiMedia

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Miér Feb 11, 2015 6:51 pm

Disponible el nuevo reproductor MultiMedia OPEN HOUR CHAMELEON 4K
con Android

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Open-hour-chameleon-4k
Opción WiFi y Bluettoth
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Wifi-y-bluetooth-usb-stick-para-open-hour-chameleon-4k
Opción mando a distancia
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Air-mouse-con-voice-para-open-hour
Please refer to our WiKi Chameleon 4K page if you require additional assistance.
Technical Specification
Hardware Specifications
Rockchip RK3288 Cortex-A17 Quad Core
Embedded Mali-T764 3D GPU
OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0/3.0 and OpenCL 1.1
4Kx2K(3840X2160 Resolution) output
2GB DDR3, NAND Flash 8GB SD Card (Bootable with Android 4.4.2 from Rockchip), user expandable up to 32GB with custom OS in future
HDMI, S/PDIF, Coaxial
3x USB 2.0 Host, Infra-Red Extender Port, MicroSD(TF) Card reader, 1 x USB OTG
Ethernet: 10/100/1000 Mbps
*Wireless: USB Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n 2T2R 300Mbps with Bluetooth 4.0 (MT7632U chipset)
*optional accessories
5V DC, 2A Max
Aluminum Passive Cooling Casing

Package Contents
1 x Open Hour - Chameleon
1 x Remote Control
2 x AAA Battery
1 x High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet
1 x AC Power Adapter
1 x Quick Start Guide
1 x Warranty Card
1 x FREE 8GB SD Card preloaded with Android 4.4.2

Acceda facilmente a multitud de aplicaciones de audio y video desde su mando a distancia. Canales de TV, cientos de emisoras de radio, peliculas on line, etc. El nuevo Open Hour le proporciona el mejor centro  multimedia a 4K con todas las aplicaciones de Android al alcance de su mando ...

en breves ...

Popcorn Hour VTEN
tambien multimedia 4K
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Popcorn-hour-vten



Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Mar Feb 24, 2015 4:29 pm



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 7:04 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Novedad Zappiti Player 4K

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Miér Abr 01, 2015 12:01 pm

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Zappiti-player-4k-side

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Zappiti-player-4k-side-3000x1087

Supporting most all digital audio and video formats, codecs and file containers, including all modern video standards such as HEVC, H.265, with upscaling 4K, audiophile uncompressed HD audio with high resolutions up to 24 bit /192 kHz, the Zappiti Player 4K sets an entirely new standard. The all new Zappiti Player 4K is equipped with an internal 3.5" SATA HDD bay with hot swap function (up to 6 TB). Besides, it is equipped with USB 3.0 port and an SD memory card slot. The Zappiti Player 4K feature powerful Wi-Fi with 2 antennas and ethernet gigabit network capability. This new player is also compatible with the new Zappiti Media Center v4 application.

A universal media center

● Android: Android Apps friendly. Easy access with streaming contents providers, VOD/SVOD, catch up TV, musical playback, social networks, news, weather info, trailers, games, internet radio and more…
● Up-Scaling 4K: Display your videos with an ultra high quality upscaling Ultra HD 4K (3840x2160 and 4096x2160).
● 3D video friendly: Supports most of the 3D video formats such as BD ISO 3D, MVC, SBS, and Top/Bottom.
● Network Player: Connect your player on a local network and enjoy your content from a PC, a MAC or a NAS via UPnP or SMB.
● MKV Player: Playback HD and SD video in MKV containers and other modern video file formats, including top quality HD video with very high bit-rates > 120Mbp/s.
● HDD Rack Option with Hot Swap Function: Easily and quickly insert and exchange internal 3.5'' SATA HDDs (up to 6 TB pre formatted HDDs).
● USB Ports: Conveniently connect HDDs, USB flash drives, USB card readers and other USB storage devices without a USB hub.
● USB Port 3.0: Read or copy your files in high speed.
● Full Range of A/V Connectors: S/PDIF Optical Audio outputs, AV analogue output via an adaptor, HDMI CEC outpout to simplify the connection of any device.
● Multichannel home cinema audio: Bitstream, downmix stereo (DTS, DTS-HD, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD).
● High-Quality Music Playback: Plays very high-quality (up to 192 kHz / 24-bit) music files in various formats. (FLAC, AIFF, ALAC, WavPack, Monkey's Audio APE, DTS, AC3, etc.).
● Video Output Flexibility: Output video in any resolution and format from SD to 1080p (1920x1080, 24p/PAL/NTSC), Ultra HD (3840x2160, 24p/25p/30p) and 4K (4096x2160, 24p).
● Many shortcuts and advanced playback features:
Caps 1 to 9: Direct access from 10 to 90% of the file.
Cursor left and right: 10s rewind and forward.
● Playback memory: Resume playback from the last position.
● Long range IR remote: The Zappiti Player 4K is provided with an IR remote. Possibility of learning the remote with a universal remote.
● Air Mouse / Long range RF keyboard: Android Apps can be controlled via a RF Air Mouse. The backside of the remote feature a keyboard.
● Computer Mouse Friendly: Connect a computer mouse (air or not) to control the player and Android Apps.
● Advanced File Browser: Convenient file browser with powerful file management (copy, move, delete, rename, organize, sort).
● Kodi / XBMC: Integrated Media Center application. Auto scan of your movie files without computer.
● Open GUI: Add your own Android Apps, customize the Home Page of the player, add any widgets, weather, news, date and time...).

Zappiti Media Center V4 friendly

● Zappiti Media Center interface: Cover arts exploration system for your Movies, TV Shows and musical files with presenting informations (subtitles, actors, director, release date, ...). Automatic indexation of Movies and TV Shows by category TV free!
● Search Engine: Easy access to your movies or TV Shows thanks to Zappiti powerful search engine combined with smart filters (actors, director, length, ratings, release date, ...).
● Zappiti edit functions: Edit or delete the movie covers directly via the remote control.
Change the posters, edit the groups, edit the synopsis, change the genre of the movie, etc….
● Zappiti on startup: enable/disable startup for Zappiti Media Center from system boot by Zappiti setting.
● Video sharing: Share your videos with your friends or family (require the possession of a Zappiti Player 4K or a MAC or PC).
Please click here for more infos about Zappiti Media Center V4...

Technical Specifications

● Processor: Realtek RTD1195.
● CPU: Dual core CPU.
● GPU: Dual core GPU.
● DSP: Video and Audio DSP with hardware acceleration .
● Cache: 512 KB L2.
● Connectors: HDMI 1.4 CEC, 2x USB 2.0 (at the back), 1x USB 3.0 (side), Audio/Video analogue output, Optical S/PDIF output, Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mb/s, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, SD Card reader / MMC (side), AC connector, AC button On/Off (at the back), LED display on front switchable with a physical button .
● Internal storage: Hot swap internal SATA HDD 3.5" rack (up to 6 TB pre formatted HDDs). To transfer your data, connect your HDD in a docking station for eSATA / USB 3.0 for a high speed transfer between your computer and your HDD. You can also transfer your data via Wi-Fi or Ethernet Gigabit. You can finally copy/paste your files in your internal HDD from an external HDD connected via USB 3.0. Note: HDD not included.
● Media sources: External HDD (USB), USB devices (USB flash drive, USB card reader, etc), built-in SD card reader (SD/SDHC/MMC), PC and NAS in local network (SMB, UPnP, HTTP), other Internet and local network media sources.
● Internet navigator: Opera, Chrome. (Possibility of installing other browsers).
● Widgets: Weather, News, Date and Time. (Possibility of installing other widgets).
● DLNA: Full support of DLNA standard (1.5 or 2.0).
● DRM: PlayReady, Widevine, HDCP, DTCP-IP.
● Video Codecs: HEVC, H.265, MVC, AVC, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, XVID, DIVX, WMV9, VC-1, H.264/x.264, CVD 1.0/2.0, SVCD, AVS, H.253, Sorenson Spark L70, VP8 ; Very High Speed video bitrates supported up to 120Mbit/s.
● Video Files format: 3D BD ISO, BD ISO, BDMV, MKV, MPEG-TS, MPEG-PS, M2TS, VOB, AVI, MOV, MP4, QT, WMV, DVD-ISO, VIDEO_TS, AVCHD 2.0 (AVCHD 3D, AVHD Progressive, and AVCHD 3D / Progressive).
● Video Output Flexibility: Output video in any resolution and format from SD to 1080p (1920x1080, 24p/PAL/NTSC) and Ultra HD (3840x2160, 24p/25p/30p) and 4K (4096x2160, 24p).
● Video output framerate: automatic (according to the played content) and manual.
● Audio Codecs: AC3, DTS MPEG, AAC, LPCM, ALAC, AIFF, WAV, VSELP, FLAC, Ogg/Vorbis; lossless and audiophiles formats support (up to 192 kHz / 24-bit).
● Multichannel Audio HD: Pass through and stereo downmix (DTS, DTS-HD, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD).
● Subtitles formats: SRT (external), SUB (MicroDVD) (external), text (MKV), SSA/ASS (MKV, external), VobSub (MP4, MKV, SUB/IDX external), PGS (BD ISO, BDMV, M2TS), DVBSUB (DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-C).
● 3D Hardware acceleration: OpenGL.
● Photo files format: JPEG, HD JPEG.
● Audio playback functions: Wide variety of audio playback available via download from the player from Google Play with albums cover arts display and audio lossless support. (HD sound and Codecs support depend on the Apps).
● Supported Formatting: FAT16/FAT32 (read-write), EXT2/EXT3 (read-write), NTFS (read-write), Mac OS enhanced (read-write).
● Ethernet: 10/100/1000 Mb/s.
● Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11n with 2 antennas.
● Network playback: Special optimisation of the network, guaranteeing better performances of the local network playback no matter which type of media thanks to SMB protocol (3D BD ISO included) via Gigabit Ethernet or Ethernet 10/100.

IR remote control
2.4G air mouse
HDMI cable
AV cable
Power adaptor
Quick Install Guide

281 x 188 x 50 mm

1.3 Kg (with antennas)

Country of origin
Design: France
Software development: France
Graphic interface and design: France
Firmware development: China
Parts and mounting: China

2 years


Operating Temperature (min / max)
Température : 10~30°C
Humidité : 30%~70%

Overall Power <5W (Without HDD)
Standby Power <0.02W

Ya disponible en MundoAudio


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty PopCorn Hour VTen

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Miér Abr 01, 2015 12:30 pm

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Vtenfeature

nuevo Firm VTen

Release Note:
- improve on Dolby TrueHD passthrough audio drop or audio-out-of-sync problem (reduce chance of happening)
- added DVD-ISO/IFO playback (without DVD-menu)
- fixed setup wizard always show no internet connection in china
- fixed mkv/BD subtitle does not follow subtitle language selection in setup page
- using fastforward and fastrewind key to rotate photo during photo playback
- using red color key to start playback from the beginning of video when there is bookmark
- using up/down key for fast percentage seek during video playback
- using tvmode+color key to switch tv mode:
   tvmode+red    : auto
   tvmode+green  : 720p60Hz
   tvmode+yellow : 1080p50Hz
   tvmode+blue   : 4K30Hz
- added utf-16 support for smi subtitle
- added smi subtitle support for BD-ISO/BDMV
- improve korean translation
- improve subtitle time offset setting respond time
- improve on arabic subtitle being cropped issue
- fixed cannot access to samba share folder with space character in its name
- fixed DSD no sound after resume from 4x fast forward
- fixed unable to play some video from apps market
- fixed unable to seek on some video from apps market
- fixed youtube app sometimes does not start playback from the beginning
- fixed sometimes the first few subtitles does not showed
- fixed idx subtitle is showed when subtitle is off
- fixed bdmv sometimes have no audio output
- fixed using remote control app when screen saver is out will crash the system
- fixed some mkv showed wrong framerate info
- fixed step icon missing when step forward video
- fixed some mp4 experience short audio drop after seek
- fixed system hang when browsing into BDMV folder with filter set to Music or Photo
- fixed sometime BDMV subtitle does not show out after switching subtitle
- change subtitle selection to be the first item in subtitle menu during video playback


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Darbee™ DVP-5100CIE Custom Installer Edition

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Vie Abr 24, 2015 1:13 pm

Disponible Darbee™ DVP-5100CIE Custom Installer Edition

Darbee DVP 5100CIE

DarbeeVision creates revolutionary image processing technologies and products that have received world-wide acclaim for enhancing depth, clarity, and realism of digital images and video content.

DARBEE technology has viewing modes and settings that can be adjusted to any type of digital image content. The benefit is a stunning enhancement of image realism which complements any existing image processing chain or display technology.

Applications - HDMI Enabled Products

Blu-ray images snap into better focus, Beyond Fidelity™
Video Games become super-immersive
Digital TV image quality is profoundly improved
Cable/Satellite programming looks much better
Smart Phone and Tablet video quality is upgraded
IPTV Video is easier on the eyes, more natural
Projectors look like more expensive models!

Easy to install -- Installs between any HDMI source and display
Easy to set up – Requires no calibration!
Easy to use – Simple controls
Rack Mountable - 19” x 1U high, Weight - 3lb 6oz

phaseHD technology allows for greater reach over HDMI and better interoperability between source and display
USB 1.0 for field upgrades
One HDMI input and one HDMI output, located on rear
IR extender and remote (included)
Dimmable LEDs: Video, Power, Processing
Deep color, 30-bit 4:4:4
HDMI 1.4 compliant, works with 3D
HiDef, Gaming, Full Pop viewing modes

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Darbee-dvp-5100cie
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 5100


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Nuevo reproductor MultiMedia COOD-E

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Jue Jun 18, 2015 5:06 pm
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Cood-e_logo_white

COOD-E TV, the perfect little package with modified KODI(XBMC) software to have the best experience multimedia can give. The sweet menu system and advanced options creates the ultimate home entertainment TV box that is available at this moment!
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 H265MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 BluetoothMundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 WifiMundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Kodi_logo
COOD-E TV is created by Movie, TV Serie and Music fans, in this way we are able to provide the best user experience right from your sofa!
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Cood-e-tv-4
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Coode-tvbox
COOD-E has achived a compact and small design with a unique passive cooling system, High quality hardware in a small package with big possibilities, the COOD-E TV is only 92mm width and long, the height is only 18mm. because this small size it can fit anywhere.

| TV
| 8719173001005
CONNECTIONS | Amlogic S805
| QUAD-CORE 1.5Ghz
| Quad Mali-450
| Modified KODI
| 1GB DDR3
| 802.11 B/G/N


Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  pablopi Jue Jun 18, 2015 9:32 pm

JC-MAZ escribió:
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Cood-e_logo_white

¡Qué buena pinta! ¿Qué tal se lleva con los mkv con audio en DTS-HD o TrueHD? ¿Es capaz de emitirlos en bitstream hacia un receptor?

Cantidad de envíos : 5817
Localización : Castellón
Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2010

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Jue Jun 25, 2015 12:06 pm

pablopi escribió:
JC-MAZ escribió:
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Cood-e_logo_white

¡Qué buena pinta! ¿Qué tal se lleva con los mkv con audio en DTS-HD o TrueHD? ¿Es capaz de emitirlos en bitstream hacia un receptor?

no lo he probado todavía, acaban de llegar ... pienso que hará un pass through completo de todos los audio.

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Novedades MultiMedia

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Jue Nov 05, 2015 12:01 pm

Buenos días,
os presentamos algunas novedades que nos han ido llegando en multimedias:

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Zappiti-top-banner
Zappiti Player 4K DUO
Zappiti Player DUO
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Zappiti-player-4k-family2-new

Zappiti Player 4K MINI
Zappiti Player 4K MINI
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Zappiti-player-4k-family1

despues del Zappiti Player 4K nos llegan 2 novedades más desde Francia. amplio soporte y aplicaciones para unos multimedias potentes y robustos. estamos trabajando en ofrecer aplicaciones exclusivas en Castellano para audio y video, las cuales mejoran las aptitudes de Zappiti.

General specifications.

● Up-Scaling 4K
● Ultra HD 4K native files Playback
● USB 3.0
● Zappiti MagicPixel
● HDD Rack Option (up to 8TB)*
● Wi-Fi dual antenna
● Ethernet Gigabit
● Zappiti Media Center included
● Subtitles download
● Movie trailers
● Search engine


MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 EnglishLogo
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Q10IV Q10
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 H8 Q8
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Q5IV Q5
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Q1ivindex Q1
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 H8index H8


MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 _c_4mL4WxmkyKHdOEdd8hNh_tq6iPUF9RZirYmM-kTkSwkIYfsFEmqhYF-MLUdlwNqfXxN3YiZ82bQJAOi5oFDKUVDyjDx_pO1n
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 _c_pGZZ7pv3Vfa0xiGqQDBFjwf0Y91yjLpUK2eJeSqxZyuZAoxFw_39eA==
4K Ultra HD Android TV BOX CR18
potente multimedia con infinidad de aplicaciones.

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Mundo-audio-logo-1442929177
Todo esto y mas lo podéis encontrar en MundoAudio. Esperamos vuestras consultas.
Saludos desde Zaragoza

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Novedades MundoAudio

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Dom Ene 03, 2016 12:02 pm

Novedad Dune HD, ahora 4K y dual SO.

El más esperado de los MultiMedias es Dune HD SOLO 4K, basado en el SMP8758 processor. Todo mejoras que hacen de este modelo el más preparado, tecnológicamente hablando.

Professional-grade “VXP” video processor
H.265 10-bit
Dolby Atmos 3D audio
1Gbit Ethernet
Control4 technology
Dual boot Linux + Android
Video upscaling
y mucho más
Dune HD Solo 4K

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Dune-hd-solo-4k

Dune HD Solo 4K is the most universal solution for playback of 4K and FullHD video, high-quality audio, IPTV and VOD content, digital TV channels. Supporting most digital audio and video formats, including the most modern HEVC video codec with the support for 1 billion of colors (10-bit color encoding), all modern 3D video standards such as MVC, SBS and TnB, audiophile HD audio with high resolution up to 24-bit /192 KHz, Dune HD Solo 4K sets an entirely new standard. Dune HD Solo 4K is equipped with two USB ports, an internal 2.5” SATA HDD bay with hot swap function, 1Gbit Ethernet, 802.11ac Dual Band 2T2R Wi-Fi.

Dune HD Solo 4K


Versión 2.0 de Darbee Darblet DVP5000

Caja rediseñada, y metálica, mando a distancia completamente nuevo y mejorado. Esta vez se incluyen todos los accesorios posibles:

1.5 m HDMI cable
IR prolongador cable

¡Ver para Creer! Nuevo tratamiento de Vídeo para esta versión "S". Sencillamente PERFECTO, matiza, realza, perfila todas la imagen para que veas lo que antes no podías ver.

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Darbee-darblet-dvp-5000s

DARBEE Visual Presence™ V 2.0 Processing

Feliz y Próspero 2016

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Darbee Darblet DVP 5000S

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Lun Feb 15, 2016 7:30 pm

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 EverythingIncluded


DARBEE Visual Presence technology represents the next step in the evolution of digital imaging. Until now it was impossible for images and video to appear with the level of depth, clarity and realism that this product provides. With adjustable modes and settings, DARBEE Visual Presence is perfect for casual viewers and videophiles alike.

- DARBEE Visual Presence™ V 2.0 Processing
- Sleek black case
- Dimmable LEDs
- 360 degree IR sensor
- HDMI 1.4 compliant, works with 3D
- 3 Viewing Modes: HiDef, Gaming, Full Pop
- Included: IR remote with 2 AAA batteries, 5V power supply with regional adapters, 1.5 m HDMI cable, IR extender cable

Read the DVP-5000S Product Brief  

Todo nuevo y mejorado ...


PopCorn Hour
4K UHD h.265, ISO, ISO 3D, Full BD, DSD ... y mucho más.
El equipo más mejorado en estos últimos meses ...

Dune HD
Dune HD SOLO 4K con dual SO.

El más esperado de los MultiMedias es Dune HD SOLO 4K, basado en el SMP8758 processor. Todo mejoras que hacen de este modelo el más preparado, tecnológicamente hablando.

Professional-grade “VXP” video processor
H.265 10-bit
Dolby Atmos 3D audio
1Gbit Ethernet
Control4 technology
Dual boot Linux + Android
Video upscaling
y mucho más
Dune HD Solo 4K

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Dune-hd-solo-4k

Dune HD Solo 4K is the most universal solution for playback of 4K and FullHD video, high-quality audio, IPTV and VOD content, digital TV channels. Supporting most digital audio and video formats, including the most modern HEVC video codec with the support for 1 billion of colors (10-bit color encoding), all modern 3D video standards such as MVC, SBS and TnB, audiophile HD audio with high resolution up to 24-bit /192 KHz, Dune HD Solo 4K sets an entirely new standard. Dune HD Solo 4K is equipped with two USB ports, an internal 2.5” SATA HDD bay with hot swap function, 1Gbit Ethernet, 802.11ac Dual Band 2T2R Wi-Fi.

Venz Tech
Novedad. Android y 4K h.265 UHD

Sin duda alguna el rey indiscutible en MultiMedia ...

y lo más esperado ...
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Popcorn-hour-a-500-pro
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 A500_5
MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 A500_2_2



Última edición por JC-MAZ el Mar Mar 29, 2016 7:19 pm, editado 1 vez

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Novedades de Audio

Mensaje  JC-MAZ Mar Mar 29, 2016 6:54 pm

Novedades Audio
Reference:  SS M30

iEast SoundSystem - Streaming Audio HD Multi-Romm Device

iEast SoundSystem
Revamp the audio experience #MultiRoom #HiRez #Streaming #WIFI #APP

Play all your libraries
with one App !

Play all your libraries with one App ! One Mobile, one App & your Music

One Mobile, one App & your Music

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Screen_Shot_2016-02-25_at_18.02.13_vhkbf2

Thanks to iEast Play, you will be able to manage all your musics from

your local memory phone

your hard drive over WIFI  (UPNP)

your iPod or any music player even your Vinyl player

the Cloud ! (Audio Streaming Service)

or listen any web radio including your TV !

Live the Amazing Multi-Room Audio experience

Your favorite Music everywherery where in every room

Live the Amazing Multi-Room Audio experience Your favorite Music everywherery where in every room

Enable to listen the same or different music in many room

of your house,

of your hotel,

of your Pub ou

of your Business Center etc ....

And all of this with one finger !

iEast SoundSystem breath a new life to any existing Stereo

iEast SoundSystem breath a new life to any existing Stereo

Connect easily to any existing stereo speaker

Stream at high resolution all your music

Integrate best audiophile & digital components : ESS SABRE DAC & WOFLSON SPDIF

Use WIFI to stream in Audio HD

In few seconds, iEast SoundStream is part of your local WIFI network

Use WIFI to stream in Audio HD In few seconds, iEast SoundStream is part of your local WIFI network

Using WPS technology, iEast SoundSystem connects to your local WIFI in only 3 steps for simple, strong and safe installation.
Thank to WIFI, you are now able to stream in High Resolution Audio.

iEast Box AUDIO HIFI HD Multi-Room Sound System WIFI HD Audio Sound Streamer & iOS/Android Mobil App

Don't try to compare with Bluetooth !

iEAST SoundStream is an innovative wireless audio adapter which can turn your current speakers, soundbar,

home theater into a Wireless Multi-Room HiFi Sound System by connecting to your home Wi-Fi

network.The specialized iOS and Android apps give an easiest experience for an Wireless Multi-Room Sound

System set up,and SoundStream also provides the most powerful playback option,which allows you to

stream synchronized music or different music from cellphone/online music service/NAS/UPNP

Network/Micro SD card in multiple rooms with a perfect sound based on ESS DAC.

Main Features :

 MultiRoom: Stream the same song to all speakers in sync or different songs in different speakers.

 Protocol: Airplay/DLNA/Qplay/self-developed protocol working in Android and iOS system with our

app. GoogleCast for Audio available with online update.

 Optimized streaming program to ensure a best WiFi stability and keep from being interfered.

 Massive Certified Music and Tune Services

Music Service:Spotify/TTPOD/QQMUSIC/DOUBAN

Radio Servic :Pandora/Tunein/iHeartRadio/Ximalaya/QingTingFM

Coming Soon: Deezer/Tidal/GoogleMusic,more with update notice .

April : GoogleCast for Audio,which will bring massive content ..

 Personal Music Library with One Button on Remote Controller to Play

6 channels to define,every channel can be your favorite local music or radio services

 Play from all audio resources : Smart Device /NAS/UPNP/Micro SD Card /Line-in

 Rich Hardware Interface:Stereo/Line-in/Optical/LAN/WiFi/MicroSD Card/Infrared Sensor /WPS

 IR Remote Controller: 6 Shortcut Buttons, Play right away without cellphone ,even without cellphone

in the network environment if sourcesare from Internet .

 Line-in : Input your favorite sources and re-transmit to all other speakers in Sync

 WPS Technology for quick and simple WiFi connection .

 Stereo Pair : Build 2 speakers with 2 SoundStream as a stereo audio system for a better sound

 Music Alarm Clock :Set up multi-group clocks with your favorite music playlist

 Time-Sleeper: Set a power off time before you fall asleep.

 GUI Color : GUI color changes according to song’s coverart.

 Multi-Language support and switch to right one according to your smart device language.

 Global Online Update :Keep debug and add new features with global online update

Key FeaturesYoutube Demo :

Unboxing Video :

Multi-Room Streaming

Android App :

Streaming online music

Stream from NAS/UpNP/MicroSD Card Demo:

Timing Power Off:

Music Alarm Clock:

MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Sonoe-ieast-hd-transparent-small_wdpr9l

Disponible en MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Mundo-audio-logo-1442929177



MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Audiocast-m5
Reference:  AC M5

AudioCast es un pequeño dispositivo que se conecta al altavoz para la transmisión de música a través de WiFi.
Una vez instalado, basta con utilizar su iPhone®, iPad®, teléfono Android y Tablet PC, Mac® y Windows® portátil, emitir sus canciones favoritas a los altavoces de su casa.


Cast your favorite tunes from your phone to speakers in the home.

What is AudioCast

AudioCast is a small device that plugs into your speaker for streaming music through WiFi.

Once set up, simply use your iPhone®, iPad®, Android phone and tablet, Mac® and Windows® laptop, to cast your favorite tunes to the best speakers in the house.

AudioCast  Cast your favorite tunes from your phone to speakers in the home.




*3.5mm cable included.

*5V/500mah usb power adapter is not included.

Easily cast music, Without the hassle of pairing

Chose the device from AudioCast apps to stream the music instantly to your speakers. Search, play, pause queue songs and change the volume right from your phone – anywhere in the house.


Listen to your favorites, anytime

Listen to your hundreds of thousands of music, radios, tunes from Spotify, Pandora, Tunein, and more coming. We're constantly adding new apps, so there's no end to the music, radio stations and podcasts you can enjoy.


AudioCast  Cast your favorite tunes from your phone to speakers in the home.

How to cast to your speakers

Google Cast lets you play and control your favorite music from your phone, tablet or laptop right to your speakers, soundbars and AV receivers.

1. Connect to Wi-Fi

Connect your phone or tablet to the same Wi-Fi network as your audio device.


2. Run AudioCast app

Type the password of your home router, then press the WPS button on AudioCast, waiting for connection.


3. Choose the music from your phone, Nas, or online music services

While casting you can continue using your phone to take a phone call, play a game, and even leave the room, all without interrupting what's playing on the speakers.


MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 AudioCast_LOGO_D

Disponible en MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Mundo-audio-logo-1442929177

Cantidad de envíos : 334
Edad : 54
Localización : Zaragoza
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2011

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MundoAudio Zaragoza - Página 6 Empty Re: MundoAudio Zaragoza

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